By Vanessa S. Lewis Have you heard the legend of the shortest story ever? The great writer Ernest Hemingway was once challenged, actually betted, to write a short story that would make others cry, and to write it in only six words. Could he do it? Well, he was Ernest Hemingway, so you bet he could do it.What was this story that made people allegedly cry? It’s a good one! Are you ready? Here it
Welcome 2022
Category: Productivity, Writing
Well, it’s that time of year. Goals, Resolutions, reviews of the past year. It’s exciting, isn’t it? To get a fresh start into a new year. This year, on December 31st I had time to sit and reflect on each of my goals from 2021. How did I do? What did I achieve? What did I drop? I read 32 books total (goal was 40). Posted one short story each week (for 4 months) Partnered
What Does it Mean to “Hear” Joy?
Category: Writing
Two weeks before Christmas, I noticed an ad. The picture for the ad was simple: A gray-haired man and a gray-haired woman smiled at each other. White sand and blue salt water behind them. They were in my opinion reasonably attractive and fit, and were wearing “Santa caps:” red caps with white pom-poms. Above their heads, two words in bold red print: “Hear Joy.” I had to take a picture. The whole idea fascinated me;