Vanessa S. Lewis knows you’ve got a story to tell, but before you hit “publish” it just needs a little refining along the way. It’s a truth that every communication message deserves to be clear to the receiver.
Vanessa is just one of those people who “sees” the typos and can’t NOT correct them!
That’s why she studied Copy and line editing with the Editorial Freelancer’s Association (EFA) and local pastors, the deacons at her church and even the church secretary call on her to review and fix errors before they become embarrassing for the church and congregation (or so she’s been praised for doing that! )
Her most recent career is in studying the craft of fiction through Writing, and submits short stories to a weekly writing contest through the website Reedsy.
As a former professional musician, singer and songwriter, in 2006 she founded the award-winning Purple Song Project, a publishing project to bring awareness of domestic violence through song, and also taught Basics of Songwriting workshops to survivors. From 2004 to 2016, she also entertained all throughout Connecticut and the Northeast as lead singer with The Happening, a 60s and 70s show band turned dance and wedding band. Some highlights from that band are they were the first band to feature live on Fridays on Channel 3’s Better Connecticut (Scot Haney was a HUGE fan!) and also played to a standing ovation during the 40th anniversary of Woodstock at Mohegan Sun’s Wolf Den. The band has also appeared on Better Connecticut, Nutmeg television, and Vanessa and her solo project were featured in Connecticut Magazine, Hartford Magazine, and local newspapers, too many to count.
Through fiction, Vanessa is seeking to write heartwarming, small-town love stories, peopled with layered characters who struggle with real-life issues. Her readers enjoy the experience of falling in love vicariously through her characters and can expect a happily-ever-after sigh as they close the pages of her books.
When Vanessa isn’t orchestrating love lives on the written page, she enjoys time with her church family, traveling for “research” for new stories, drinking coffee, and playing piano. A former professional musician, Vanessa along with her husband, Kevin, now directs all the music programming at their local church. She makes her home in Connecticut where she and her husband enjoy their seaside home and their cat.
As she works on her first novel, she is strengthening her writing muscle with short stories She also blogs weekly at Praise Him in the Morning, a blog for those who worship and those who love TO worship.
When not writing, she’s reading anything, reviewing another writer’s story, or walking along the beach and collecting driftwood.